To me, quality of a child is much more Chairman, LPS important than quality of education. | believe a good person only will make a good student. Hence, we strive to make each child a good person then we do not have to force him to be a good student. Hence in our endeavour to make each child a good person, | have observed the following things and have tried to come up with the solutions as below:
The present scenario of the schools, students, parents and the society as a whole; itself; in Arunachal Pradesh is very pathetic. The following are some of the critical endemic problems of private schools in Arunachal Pradesh:
- 1. Every child’s mind is full of confusion about his/her own future, behaviour, attitude, etc.
- 2. Parents are sending their wards to schools with the expectation that they (the children) would get the attention of the teachers and other school authorities as a teacher as well as a parent, but at times they (the parents) fail to understand how actually their children are reacting to both the parents and the teachers. Particularty in the case of boarding schools the parents expect that their children will get the love of parents as well as that of teachers. But school fails because of the following reasons:
- a. The students do not readily accept the teachers as their second parents
- b. The teachers and the other hostel! authorities are not able to handie most of the disciplinary issues effectively and convincingly.
- 3. The reasons and causes; and the ultimate consequences of the above mentioned points 1 and 2, a, b are as given below:
- a. As the indigenous population of our state, the Arunachal Pradesh is very small. Hence, we, the Arunachalees depend on the outsiders invariably for each and every work, be it domestic work, construction work, official work, etc. So, our children are exposed to the outsiders since their birth. In most of the cases we (the local people) dominate the scene over our outsider friends. This make our children take a negative and domineering character that the parents and the outsiders (workers) depict over them. This bad example of our domineering attitude over the outsider friends slowly and gradually creep into the innocent mind of our children and it becomes a permanent chip in the growing and ever leaming mind of young children. Hence it becomes very difficult for our local children to follow the orders of their outsider commanders in our state, Arunachal Pradesh. .
- 4. In order to stop the above mentioned undesirable results and to bring a revolution in the educational scenario of the state in particular and the country as a whole we have taken up 8 number of innovative and effective measures such as;
a. Control room with installation of CCTV cameras in Class rooms, all Boys’ hostels, Dining
| and at all other keys positions of the entire campus and also installation of Public Announce ment system covering all Hostels both boys’ and girls’, Dining Hall, Play Ground, etc.
- b. Deployment of local persons at important positions of disciplinary issues such 8s itostel Wardens in both Boys’ and Girls’ hostels, Chief Warden, Administrative Officer, etc.
2020-21 Session:: Do Good! Be Good! Fee! Good!